What has been the highlight of George Bush's presidency from the president’s own perspective? Tough question, huh? There have been so many wonderful accomplishments: His liberation of Afghanistan? His acceleration of renewable energy research? His sterling efforts to stop masses of low-life Mexicans sneaking into the US? His implementation of plans to rebuild Iraq? His development of strong financial polices? Give up?
The answer surprisingly is none of these. According to Bush himself, his finest achievement has been – catching a fish.
George W Bush was asked in an interview by a German newspaper to reveal his best moment since he took office in 2001. “I would say the best moment of all was when I caught a 7.5lb perch in my lake”. Can’t you just picture it? George W. standing in full fishing regalia on the bows of an aircraft carrier with a banner behind him that reads “Fishing Accomplished”. I bet that carrier barely fit into that lake. I wonder how long the army corps of engineers had to work on that solution. No wonder no one was keeping an eye on those levies in New Orleans, we had had orchestrate getting an aircraft carrier onto a lake in Texas!
In all fairness I have to say I do agree with President Bush, this may have been his best accomplishment in office. I look forward to him having more time to do what he does best – fish.
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