2008 was yet another year. I would really like to get off on the right foot with 2009, so I am going to restrain from writing anything that would make me appear to be bitter, or negative as first impressions are very important. So, below is my non-negative look back at 2008. I hope 2009 understands what an effort this is for me!
2008 was comprised of the usual 12 month cycle consisting of 52 weeks. The days remained arranged in the manner we have become accustomed to with weeks starting on Sunday and ending on Saturday. The days were once again arranged in the reliable standard of 24 hours. At the beginning of the year we saw Winter, followed by Spring which lead into Summer without anyone really noticing; then our old friend Fall popped up. In the Fall we saw a lot of activity. People cast votes, those with the most votes were elected to office, new television shows came on, and the leaves changed colors. As soon as this was all over the holiday season began, we ate, we purchased and then the year was over.
Ok, you know what - Screw 2008. 2009, you gotta understand 2008 was just a bitch of a year, drought, war, screwed up economy, bitter elections, high gas prices, spiraling health care cost, devaluation of property, unemployment, global warming, polar ice caps melting, one industry after another going belly up. Really, the only nice thing I can say about 2008 is I had some fun with friends, I managed not to die and the damn thing is over. Let this be a warning to you 2009, if you try to be a bastard like 2008 I will make you pay. I’ve had enough. So there, that is how we start. Deal with it 2009 and keep in mind 2008 didn’t survive - I did!
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