This morning coming into work I was cut off by a car that was driving like a bat out of hell. It isn’t like I drive like a little old lady or anything this guy was making some serious time! I can understand the late to work mad driver. I’ve done that. But this car was flying at some insane speeds. It had a SC license plate, so I figured the concept of a paved road might be a shock to his system. However, at this point he must have been on NC soil for at least a few miles and he should be getting over the shock. It was a large older car, like a 1990’s Cadillac land yacht. It was an ugly black and burgundy combination that I believe is only confined to pocketbooks now, not cars. Every time he hit the gas at a stop light I could see about 3 gallons of gas getting burned up as he threw all 8 cylinders of that monster into full combustion as he pushed the pedal down to the floor. Maybe he was racing to a gas station. Close, but no cigar, he was racing towards McDonalds. WTF. What can McDonalds possibly have that is worth driving like a crazy fool? Aren’t there McDonalds in SC? He had plenty of time they would still be serving egg mc muffins. He squealed his tires making the turn into McDonalds parking lot still going about 30 miles per hour and slammed on his brakes to get into the drive thru line. He must have been having a major Big-Mac Attack! If anyone knows of anything that they have at the golden arches that is worth this insanity, please let me know what I’m missing!
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