Friday, January 30, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Sleepy Time Daycare
Our parents both taught school in the next county. This meant their day started early. During the school year my brother and I were both entrusted into the care of Odessa. While I wouldn’t always believe the sun rose and set on my older brother, my faith for Odessa never wavered. However, on this faithful morning Odessa was unable to come in. Mom hurriedly made arrangements to take us to a daycare with the quant name of Sleepy Time. Sleepy Time was an old converted house off a major thoroughfare. Out front was a black backed neon sign half faded with a child sleeping and little “z”s coming from his head. It suggested that your child would sleep in some kind of eternal darkness. Why a parent would trust a place that looked like it was conceived by Norman Bates I will never know. Mom was desperate, but the other children there – their parents owe them an explanation.
As Mom left us half asleep we watched her drive away not knowing what to do next or if she would ever return. As we took in our surroundings Steven whispered in my ear that we didn’t like this place. I think without his help I would have formed the same conclusion. We stood in the entrance hall where Mom had left us with our coats still on holding hands. We dumbly followed the orders of a stranger woman as she told us to hang up our jackets. Then, however she started taking Steven upstairs and another woman appeared and was taking me in the direction of another room. Steven escaped from the stranger woman and grabbed my hand and told me not to move. The teacher reached down and started to pick me up. I did the only thing a 3 year old can do. I cried. I cried as if the world was ending. She was so taken back that she just froze. I would think she would be used to crying children, but I did have a good set of lungs on me. My brother then started running pulling me in tow. We ran straight into the fireplace of what used to be the den in the house and wedged ourselves inside. I continued to cry. Anytime someone got near us, I would cry. So, there we stood in the fireplace all day. Neither of us would come out, not to eat, play. No amount of coaxing or threats would get us to move. They decided ignoring us would work, as we would get bored and come out to play. Steven and I didn’t move an inch.
I feel so sorry now for the sight my Mom must have seen when she came to pick us up that afternoon. Here her two sons stood in the fireplace, me still balling my eyes out until I heard her voice. Then we ran to her covered in soot. My memories of what happened next aren’t really clear, but I know we never returned to Sleepy Time. I’m sure there was mutual agreement on that. When my brother and I both started kindergarten the next year, they put us in separate facilities, but that is another story.
However, that wasn't my last encounter with the Sleepy Time daycare......
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
Innovative Computer Solutions

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Bob's only pg-13 Joke!
A dear old friend of mine just loved this joke.
The next day the 70-year-old man reappeared at the doctor's office and gave him the jar, which was as clean and empty as on the previous day. The doctor asked what happened and the man explained: "Well, doc, it's like this - first I tried with my right hand, but nothing. Then I tried with my left hand, but still nothing. Then I asked my wife for help. She tried with her right hand, then with her left, still nothing. She tried with her mouth, first with the teeth in, then with her teeth out, still nothing. We even called up Arlene , the lady next door and she tried too, first with both hands, then an armpit, and she even tried squeezing it between her knees, but still nothing.
The doctor was shocked "You asked your neighbor?" The old man replied, "Yep. None of us could get the jar open!"
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
The Wrong Trousers
On the rare occasions I listen to the radio I’m amazed at how much of the music is cookie cutter, unimaginative and just all around bad. It all sounds alike and all the lyrics are the same. So, why is it like this, well because that is what people want? There was a poll that was done concerning music by . The data was complied and two songs were created based on the polls, one that combined the elements most desired in the polls and one that combined the elements least desired. The “most desired” sounded like everything I hear on the radio. I hated every note of it, in contrast I loved the one that combined the least desired elements.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
My 1st Pot
As a child I presented somewhat of a conundrum to my parents. My Mom, Dad and Brother were all athletic and interested in sports. I was not. My parents both coached sports – I considered attendance to a game something akin to punishment. I have checked I wasn’t adopted.
I think presents for me were hard for my family. I didn’t want balls or sports equipment or just about anything they would find interest in. However, I did like to make things. I didn’t really care what. Give me some scissors, tape, glue and an old newspaper and I would busy myself for hours. I became a pro with tape and glue which in my childhood I used to put back together much of the house that my brother and I destroyed– but that is another story.
The Christmas I was in the 2nd grade my parents gave me a pottery wheel. It was a child’s pottery wheel that was battery powered and to be honest it wasn’t worth crap. It looked functional but it was woefully underpowered. It must have been some company’s idea of a joke as the box was adored with pottery that no one could have ever produced on the crap wheel. However, I didn’t know that at the time.

Monday, January 19, 2009
The snow is coming; the snow is coming...
The snow is coming; the snow is coming…well maybe. Here in piedmont section of NC nothing crushes the hopes of a good snow better than the prediction of snow. So, to counteract this I’ve scoured the Internet to find the most highly approved snow producing rituals.
- Put pajamas on inside out
- Put a spoon under your pillow
- Flush an ice cube down the toilet
We can still eat that
I have a friend who has prefaced meals with “I think we can still eat that”. The uncertainty she has projected more than once in a meal of leftovers have left me with a healthy fear. Healthy in that I’ve tried to err on the side of – let’s move to a food selection that you have more confidence in – like something not from the refrigerator vault. I’m not one of these people who won't eat leftovers – I don’t understand that either. But, I won’t eat a leftover if it requires carbon 14 dating to determine if it is still safe. My god, we don’t live in a 3rd world country we can find fresh food. Sure there is the odd salmonella outbreak – but it shouldn’t be cultivated in your own refrigerator. Leave that stuff to the experts!
When I eat I want to eat good food. I’m not just eating to live – I want some love from that food baby! I have to watch my caloric intake – I know that – so if I’m eating something it should be worth the time it is going to take in the gym to burn it off.
So yeah, I'm a food lover. I like to believe that if I make it to an afterlife it will have some great food, otherwise they aren't going to be happy with me there!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Do you Want the Banana?
I love this kid! And yes....the video is a joke...but very well done. We are the monkies....
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Bandit Wanted

As an eight year old I did my best to convince Mom this would work. I bought a book on how to raise a raccoon trying to convince my parents that I was an expert on the subject. I could point to my book with pride and show them the whole idea had been carefully researched. However some book by a hippie on how to raise raccoons to be like a member of the family wasn't enough to win Mom over. I’m not sure where I got the book. This was days and it wasn’t like Gastonia was abound with bookstores.
To try to appease me my parents got me a rabbit and the rabbit was great. I would bring whole classes from school home to see my rabbit. We lived right across the street from the school so it was an easy spur of the moment field trip. I don’t think any permission slips were signed – school was less formal in those days. I would point to pride at my rabbit. I would take her out of her run and let people hold her.
She gave me good bragging rights, but she wasn’t the same as a raccoon. We couldn’t have any adventures, or climb trees together, or get into mischief. But she never destroyed the house or infected anyone with rabies. So, I guess that was an alright trade off.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Code Brown Terror Alert!

Gary Morse with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission says the adult male is thought to have escaped from an unlicensed source. It was last seen in Clearwater.
The monkey is not considered dangerous unless provoked, at which point the shit will fly!
The monkey was not available for comment on this story.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Stop before you mess it up
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Strangers in the Night
Recently while waiting for a plane a stranger turned me to and said “Let’s talk. I’ve heard that makes the wait go quicker if you strike up a conversation with someone.” I was reading at the time and trying to communicate with body language to say “leave me alone!”. This woman however must be illiterate in body language as she continued to stare at me all doe-eyed. I closed my book very slowly, turned to the woman and said “"What would you like to talk about?"
Oh, I don't know," said the stranger. "What do you think about that Barack Obama? I wonder if he is really qualified for the job.”
"OK", I said. "That could be an interesting topic. But let me ask you a question first. A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat the same stuff - grass -. Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out a flat patty, and a horse produces clumps of dried grass. Why do you suppose that is?"
The stranger woman looked visibly surprised by my question and I was hoping things would end there, but they didn’t. After a pause she said, "Hmmm, I have no idea."
To which I replied, "Do you really feel qualified to discuss President Barack Obama when you don't know shit?"
That ended the conversation and I could go back to reading. Feel free to use it anytime on any topic.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Parking Space
Sunday, January 11, 2009
When Crazy people happen to Good Dogs
Saturday, January 10, 2009
There is only one thing in the way.....
Hardships, challenges and problems are necessary learning experiences that have shaped me in my life journey. I must learn that lesson. I often focus so much on something ahead or something I left behind that I don't see what is here. But I can't help but wonder Is this really it? Maybe my life has unfolded exactly as it should have. Like a great symphony, with every note in my life’s song perfectly placed.
Maybe I am my own worst enemy. Always doubting. Always apprehensive. Always me. Maybe a beautiful life is already in front of me. Maybe that which I seek is already here. Just maybe.
If I squint a little can I see it?
Friday, January 9, 2009
Status Reports
My life at work these days consists of a long series of status reports. I actually don’t have time to get much work done as I have to report on the status of the work I’m supposed to be doing but can’t get done because I’m writing another status report.
I wouldn’t mind creating these status reports if anything ever became of them. However, they are always stripped away to the simplest detail as one status report after another is combined by each level of management to create a summary report. In the end all that remains from my reports are the simplest of phrases “completed”, “delayed” or “deferred”. All issues that I’m trying to convey are lost.
At some point I’m sure I will have to do a status report about my status report, at that point the sheer recursion of the situation will create a hole in the space-time continuum which will result in the destruction of the universe, at which point I will need to submit a status report on the destruction of the universe along with a triage of how it occurred.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Queen of all she Surveys!

Don't you know her family has to be proud of her? If you ever need a quick laugh be sure and check out The failblog rules!
There are a few pictures of me I know floating around out there that could be failed blog material, but I try my best to keep them under lock and key. I’m glad others don’t have such strong security measures in place!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Starting the New Year off with a Bang
JACKSON, Ohio – Police say a 4-year-old boy in southern Ohio shot his babysitter because the sitter accidentally stepped on his foot. Police said 18-year-old Nathan Beavers and several other teenagers were babysitting several young children in a mobile home in Jackson on Sunday when the shooting occurred.
Witnesses told police the 4-year-old retrieved the shotgun from a bedroom closet and shot Beavers. Police said the child was angry because Beavers accidentally stepped on his foot.
Beavers was hospitalized with minor pellet wounds to his arm and side.
Police say another teen was also injured with shotgun pellets.
Jackson County Sheriff John Shashteen said authorities are investigating the shooting. The child has not been charged.
I remember as a child we went through baby-sitters on a somewhat regular bases. To be honest I don’t remember most of their names, however Mom still does. She likes to recount people who babysat us and ask me about them. I remember outstanding details like – that was the one who made me a good sandwich - after that it gets fuzzy.
I’m not sure why they couldn’t hang with multiple outings with the Day children. It could have been our parents were both teachers so pay would be on the low side. That seems kind of fair as they were trained professionals who weren’t paid much to baby-sit. It would seem ludicrous for them to pay a teenager more per hour than they made themselves! Maybe they didn’t know how to handle Steven and me trying to kill each other. We were never successful in our efforts, but it wasn’t from lack of trying. I know we looked like angels, but it really was the lighting in those old pictures.
I will admit when I was a younger child I was rather clingy. I have an excuse - I was very small for my age and I think I had a fear of being stomped on. The constant beatings from my brother did little to elevate this fear. I do take credit for this driving one babysitter away, you can still see the notch I made in my nightstand, away, but I don’t remember that being an issue with anyone else.
Now I realize those babysitters were damn lucky to have us, as we never popped a cap in any of them!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Best Moment Ever – Billy the Bass

What has been the highlight of George Bush's presidency from the president’s own perspective? Tough question, huh? There have been so many wonderful accomplishments: His liberation of Afghanistan? His acceleration of renewable energy research? His sterling efforts to stop masses of low-life Mexicans sneaking into the US? His implementation of plans to rebuild Iraq? His development of strong financial polices? Give up?
The answer surprisingly is none of these. According to Bush himself, his finest achievement has been – catching a fish.
George W Bush was asked in an interview by a German newspaper to reveal his best moment since he took office in 2001. “I would say the best moment of all was when I caught a 7.5lb perch in my lake”. Can’t you just picture it? George W. standing in full fishing regalia on the bows of an aircraft carrier with a banner behind him that reads “Fishing Accomplished”. I bet that carrier barely fit into that lake. I wonder how long the army corps of engineers had to work on that solution. No wonder no one was keeping an eye on those levies in New Orleans, we had had orchestrate getting an aircraft carrier onto a lake in Texas!
In all fairness I have to say I do agree with President Bush, this may have been his best accomplishment in office. I look forward to him having more time to do what he does best – fish.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Death Run

This morning coming into work I was cut off by a car that was driving like a bat out of hell. It isn’t like I drive like a little old lady or anything this guy was making some serious time! I can understand the late to work mad driver. I’ve done that. But this car was flying at some insane speeds. It had a SC license plate, so I figured the concept of a paved road might be a shock to his system. However, at this point he must have been on NC soil for at least a few miles and he should be getting over the shock. It was a large older car, like a 1990’s Cadillac land yacht. It was an ugly black and burgundy combination that I believe is only confined to pocketbooks now, not cars. Every time he hit the gas at a stop light I could see about 3 gallons of gas getting burned up as he threw all 8 cylinders of that monster into full combustion as he pushed the pedal down to the floor. Maybe he was racing to a gas station. Close, but no cigar, he was racing towards McDonalds. WTF. What can McDonalds possibly have that is worth driving like a crazy fool? Aren’t there McDonalds in SC? He had plenty of time they would still be serving egg mc muffins. He squealed his tires making the turn into McDonalds parking lot still going about 30 miles per hour and slammed on his brakes to get into the drive thru line. He must have been having a major Big-Mac Attack! If anyone knows of anything that they have at the golden arches that is worth this insanity, please let me know what I’m missing!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
New Year’s Resolutions!
This year I’m not going to set myself up for failure. This year’s resolution will require careful planning and commitment on my part. This year, things are going to be different. I can feel it. I know it!
Wake up Each Day
Just wake up, really nothing more needed. Getting out of bed would be a good advanced step here, but I’m going to consider that more optional than required.
Try to extend relaxing beyond sleeping hours, if this requires more sleep so be it. I will look into some pillows for the office.
Eat Right
My body is a temple and I should watch what I put into my temple. If this means finding a diet that includes hamburgers, then I’ll search the internet until I find it! I won’t give up!
Spend more time with Friends and Family
I may have to reclassify the T.V. as a family member for this to work, however this makes sense as I’ve known the T.V. my entire life. I’ve only known a lot of people for 20 or so years. I really should recognize seniority.
Be a nicer person
Okay, maybe sometimes I’m an a@%hole. But really it is because of the stupid people I encounter. I’ve got to learn to be more compassionate to stupid people. It really is something they can’t help. I mean they are stupid. It is a disability.
Read More
Actually I can already read “more”; I should have picked a harder word. Maybe next year I'll pick "magniloquence"
Get Organized
I am already organized; it is those stupid people who want things I can’t find who screw up my organization. I hate those stupid people!
Whew! That is a big list. I’m sure I’ll blow some of them, but I’m sure going to try to achieve them all unless those stupid people stop me!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Equality for Some
The movie tells the story of Harvey Milk, a gay man who moves to San Francisco’s Castro district and who encounters bigotry due to his lifestyle. Motivated by a desire for social change and acceptance, Milk becomes the first openly gay man ever elected to public office (City Supervisor, 1978).
In my mind, the film’s messages of hope intermingled with the bittersweet knowledge that our culture has taken steps backwards since 1978 on recognizing equal rights for all people. Sitting there in the theater, with the film’s final tear-jerking shot, it was difficult to know how to feel. I left with hope as I do do hope that in my lifetime these injustices will seem as outdated as segregation does today.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year - A look back at 2008

2008 was yet another year. I would really like to get off on the right foot with 2009, so I am going to restrain from writing anything that would make me appear to be bitter, or negative as first impressions are very important. So, below is my non-negative look back at 2008. I hope 2009 understands what an effort this is for me!
2008 was comprised of the usual 12 month cycle consisting of 52 weeks. The days remained arranged in the manner we have become accustomed to with weeks starting on Sunday and ending on Saturday. The days were once again arranged in the reliable standard of 24 hours. At the beginning of the year we saw Winter, followed by Spring which lead into Summer without anyone really noticing; then our old friend Fall popped up. In the Fall we saw a lot of activity. People cast votes, those with the most votes were elected to office, new television shows came on, and the leaves changed colors. As soon as this was all over the holiday season began, we ate, we purchased and then the year was over.
Ok, you know what - Screw 2008. 2009, you gotta understand 2008 was just a bitch of a year, drought, war, screwed up economy, bitter elections, high gas prices, spiraling health care cost, devaluation of property, unemployment, global warming, polar ice caps melting, one industry after another going belly up. Really, the only nice thing I can say about 2008 is I had some fun with friends, I managed not to die and the damn thing is over. Let this be a warning to you 2009, if you try to be a bastard like 2008 I will make you pay. I’ve had enough. So there, that is how we start. Deal with it 2009 and keep in mind 2008 didn’t survive - I did!